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How to choose the best raw material for metal stamping?

There are a variety of commonly used raw materials in metal stamping. The application itself will typically determine what metals can be stamped. The types of metals used in stamping include:


Copper Alloys

Copper is a pure metal that can be stamped into a variety of parts on its own, but it is also useful for its alloys. Copper alloys include versatile metals such as brass, bronze, nickel silver, and more. This versatility makes copper and its alloys some of the best materials for metal stamping.


General Information

All copper alloys have varying degrees of copper’s most popular properties, such as conductivity, resistance to corrosion, and antibacterial characteristics. Copper alloys are also non-sparking and non-magnetic.

However, copper and copper alloys are often too soft for strength-based or structural support applications. The metals can easily bend, crack, or break—however, this softness also facilitates easy metal forming. Copper alloys can be formed and stamped with little difficulty due to their malleability, and they can be stretched into thinner, finer wires than other metals. Not only is that incredibly important for electronic and electrical applications, it means copper alloys can easily hold complex and intricate designs that accurately replicate the original design.


Key Characteristics

Copper alloys have distinctive characteristics that make them a versatile material for a broad range of industrial, commercial, and consumer applications. Copper and its alloys share these key characteristics:

Corrosion resistance.Copper and copper alloys don’t corrode. The material forms a thin oxidized layer on the surface that quickly reforms during finishing or forming processes. Certain copper alloys are more resistant to corrosion than others.

Decorative appeal.Copper alloys are available in a variety of golden and yellow colors. That makes them appealing for architectural accents, consumer goods, and decorative components.
Ductile metals can easily be hammered or formed into thin wiring. Copper and copper alloys are some of the most ductile metals, which makes them ideal for wiring and metal threading applications.

Easy to sanitize. Copper’s smooth finish makes it easy to clean and sanitize, especially when combined with its resistance to corrosion. Copper alloys are also antimicrobial, which makes them an ideal material choice for many medical or food-safe applications.

Electrical conductivity.Copper is commonly known for its low resistance to electricity. While most copper alloys have less electrical conductivity, they can still be valuable in electronics and electrical systems.

Much like their ductility, copper alloys’ malleability makes the materials easy to work with. The metals can easily be bent or pressed into simple or complex shapes.
Resistance to environmental damage.Copper retains its shape and characteristics during exposure to UV radiation, cold temperatures, and heat. The metal won’t become brittle or degrade due to common environmental exposure.

Smooth finish. Copper alloys have a smooth finish that isn’t abrasive or rough. Its edges can easily be smoothed to make it safe for high-contact parts.

Thermal conductivity.Copper and copper alloys conduct heat with relatively little resistance. Many cooking and food processing materials have a thin copper or copper alloy coating to facilitate even heat distribution.

Post time: Mar-23-2022